Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Zoolander (2001)

...My sadness at David Bowie's passing hasn't been tempered in the least by the discovery that he appeared in a lot of really, really crappy films. 

I mean, like, really crappy, not just Labyrinth bad. Not even The man who fell to Earth bad, and God knows that was bad enough. No, it appears that Bowie was a serial Nolan collaborator, one of a series of bad judgement calls that will hopefully go unremembered thanks to all the other amazing, wonderful stuff he did.

Today I will not be writing about any of the works of Christopher Nolan, because guess what? When Hell freezes over, I still won't have reviewed any of his films, although I might possibly pen a few pithy lines on how being buried beneath several thousand megatons of ice might have actually warmed his heart a little. If he had one, obviously.

Where was I?

Bowie, that was it, and how I wanted to review a film with him in because I really admired the guy, but not so much that I was prepared to have a wretchedly bad time doing so.

Hence, Zoolander

It all started a very long time ago in the Tesco Express in town, when the cashier tried to upsell me the DVD for a fiver. I'm a pushover for this stuff, so I brought it home and we took a look. It was funny, definitely; we watched it, enjoyed it, then passed it on to my parents as something we were unlikely to feel the need to view again. After a few months, however, I found odd lines seeping back into my consciousness and realised how much I missed it. I'd love to say that I begged my folks to give it back and that some sort of weirdass DVD custody battle ensued, but I think we probably just bought another copy instead.

None of which tells you what the movie's about, of course. Look, it's been a long day, can't you just take it on trust when I say that this one's worth a look? I appreciate that the only time you normally let me get away with halfassing it like this is when I mollify you with cat pictures, but what can I say? My cats have been really, really boring lately.

I appreciate your understanding - see you on Saturday!

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